Clay Play Class – Capps Room at Francisco Fort Museum
The clay play class will be conducted by Ethan Myeler, a Eagle Scout and future art teacher. Over the past eight years, Ethan has attended multiple child, teen and adult SPACe art workshops to include the La Veta School of the Arts Fridays for Fun series and Peggy Zehrings Drawing & Painting workshop. The clay being used is Plastilina, non hardening modeling clay. Students will be taught techniques of using clay untensils. This is a free class for kids 9-14. The class date is June 21st, 2022 1:00-3:00pm. It will be held in the Capps room at Francisco Fort Museum. To enroll students call (719) 989-8438 before June 20th. Thank you, Sandy Dolak and Huajatolla Heritage Foundation, and Arts in Society.