La Veta Writes – Monthly Writing Group
Tuesday, November 21st 3:00PM-5:00PM
La Veta Writes – Monthly Writing Group
Are you interested in making writing and/or journaling a bigger part of your life and looking for support and encouragement? Or, are you a longtime writer working on a project, a song writer or a poet? Whatever you experience with writing, we’d love to have you join us. Located at the Parkside Gallery, 127 W Ryus. (We meet on the 3rd Tuesday or each month). If you would like to practice reading your work aloud, bring up to 2-pages (double spaced, 12 pt). This is a free gathering. Please being you own beverage as the cafe part of the gallery will be closed. Donations to The Parkside Gallery are welcome, but are not required. The generously make the space available for us after hours. Sponsored by the La Veta Creative District & Colorado Creative Industries, For more information email TrustingOurInnerLight@gmail.