Traditions Christmas Makers Market
Huajatolla Heritage Foundation is partnering with the La Veta Creative District in creating an event showcasing several exceptional artists and craftspeople in our community. The event will be held from 10am-7pm on Saturday December 4th at 225 S Main in La Veta. Arthur ShortBull, Kate Wootton, Lisa Dasenbrock, Frog Hollow Brooms, Raymond Tenorio (from Santo Domingo Pueblo), the Sandys Squared, Charity, Ava Clark and John Costea will all be sharing their quality handcrafted goods. The Falcon Cheesecake Food Truck will be serving from 10-4. Santa will be around. Michael Rael, talented musician from Questa will provide live music from 3-6. We will also participate in the private party Culinary Celebration from 5-7. Come get the finest in local gifts for everyone on your list.
Huajatolla Heritage Foundation is once again partnering with the non-profit, One Nation Walk Together headquartered in Colorado Springs to share the bounties of the Holiday season with deserving Native youth and elders. At the December 4th Traditions Makers Market at 225 S. Main in La Veta, we will be collecting new (unwrapped) toys or gifts for all ages. Also, any cleaning supplies of hygiene items are much appreciated (no food, clothing, or household items at this time). Any cash donations will be matched dollar for dollar by the IndieGives program if donated prior to December 31st. This holiday season please give the gift of hope and create brighter futures by supporting One Nation’s mission. Contact Sandy Dolak or ONWT directly for more information